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Intelsat FlexMove Recognized as 2022 Outstanding Leadership in Use of a Mobile Solution Award

Intelsat takes home top honors for use of its FlexMove network to support Haiti earthquake disaster response.

April 6, 2022 – McLean, VA – The Mobile Satellite Users Association (MSUA), a global not-for-profit organization focused on amplifying the voice of the millions of users of satellite mobile solutions, recently announced Intelsat as the company earning the 2022 Outstanding Leadership in Use of a Mobile Solution Award for its contributions in providing continuous, secure broadband internet connectivity for disaster response after the earthquake in Haiti in August of 2021.

Using the latest satellite technology and applications for situational awareness, emergency responders were able to jump-start their response with quick and efficient resource coordination with the help of Intelsat’s FlexMove global, high-throughput satellite (HTS) network. The high-speed internet was used to support intelligence coordination for the United Nations and survey shots of topography and aerial images of multiple disaster sites. Local authorities and government agencies were able to quickly determine where to deploy resources based on intelligence, video feeds and photos gathered.

“With Intelsat’s FlexMove network, NGOs all around the world can quickly deploy to a disaster zone with reliable, ready-to-use, high-speed connectivity. The network supports critical mobility solutions for vehicles and portable connectivity for temporary network access in a fixed location. FlexMove enables an internet connection to be established within minutes without the need for any prior in-depth technical training making this an ideal solution for emergency response teams that need to deploy at a moment’s notice,” says Lisa Dreher, President, MSUA. “Our panel of five judges reviewed over 60 nominations this year to narrow in on the top mobile satellite innovations for 2022 and saw Intelsat’s role in supporting emergency response teams around the world as important to saving lives,” continues Dreher.

“Intelsat worked with HELP.NGO, an experienced international disaster response team trained to respond quickly to emergencies when existing communication networks fail, to support their mission to mobilize resources and equipment with the goal of restoring connectivity rapidly. The team quickly deployed to the epicenter to assess the earthquake damage,” explains Joel Schroeder, Director, Land Mobile Products, Intelsat. “Using the latest satellite technology and applications for situational awareness, emergency responders were able to jump-start their response with quick and efficient resource coordination,” says Schroeder.

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Media Inquiries |

MSUA | Lisa Dreher | | +1 425-442-1301

Melissa Longo | | +1 240-308-1881

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As the foundational architects of satellite technology, Intelsat operates the world’s most trusted satellite telecom network. We apply our unparalleled expertise and global scale to connect people, businesses, governments and communities, no matter how difficult the challenge. Intelsat is building the future of global communications with the world’s first hybrid, multi-orbit, software-defined 5G network designed for simple, seamless, and secure coverage precisely when and where our customers most need it. Follow the leader in global connectivity and “Imagine Here,” with us, at


The Mobile Satellite Users Association is a not-for-profit association dedicated to promoting the interests of the millions of users of satellite services for mobile communication, navigation, and safety worldwide. The association fosters the exchange of news, information, and ideas among and between users, suppliers of equipment and services, operators of satellite systems, and the various entities affecting the future of the industry. MSUA sponsors the annual Satellite Mobility Innovation Awards, celebrating the top anticipated and market-proven advancements in satellite services, and collaborates with conference organizers around the world to shape and facilitate conference programming dedicated to the users of satellite services. We invite you to join MSUA and to take part in our community. Visit to learn more.

Twitter: @MSUAorg


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