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NASA Spectrum Planning for Commercial SATCOM Meeting

Please join us for a conversation with NASA on upcoming spectrum planning requirements for commercial SATCOM. NASA’s Communication Services Project (CSP) is well underway, which will open new opportunities for commercial SATCOM providers in the next few years. Effective spectrum management is an important component of making NASA’s shift to commercial SATCOM for its LEO spacecraft requirements successful – for NASA and for our service provider community.

This session will facilitate discussion about how NASA envisions effective use of spectrum for commercially-provided SATCOM services, and how we best work together to accommodate the new SATCOM requirements for spacecraft.

Speakers will include:

  • Eli Naffah, Formulation Manager for NASA’s Communication Services Project

  • Glen Feldhake, International Spectrum Program Manager, NASA Glenn Research Center

  • Wayne Whyte, Senior Spectrum Advisor at Teltrium Solutions (formerly of NASA SCaN Spectrum Division)

While the session will be held in conjunction with Satellite 2022, it is not part of the conference agenda. Even those not registered for the conference are invited to attend.

Who should attend:

Spectrum experts within your organization or business representatives who want to stay apprised of developing opportunities.

Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Time: 9:30am-11:00am East

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center – Room 102A

We hope you can join us for this important discussion that may provide future opportunities for MSUA members. Click here to register for this event.

Thank you to Inmarsat for providing the meeting space for this special event!


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